In my own words

I’ve been taking photos as long as I can remember. On family trips as a kid, I’d always confiscate the camera. It wasn’t uncommon to see little me running up to people and snapping a quick photo with one of those old disposable film cameras. What started out as fun and games soon became a hobby, and that hobby inspired me to go to the best place to learn photography in the industry- Hallmark Institute of photography. I am proud to share the stories of people from the area I grew up, as well as the stories and beauty of this region, this state, and this world we all share.”

Client List —

Body Politic
Fashion in Review
Tudor Magazine
Coastal Times




Tom has been capturing the people and places of the Susquehanna Valley for 16 years. Growing up in the heart of Amish country , he quickly grew an affinity for nature and that affinity is what eventually evolved into his career. Seeking knowledge, adventure, and beauty, Tom moved to Massachusetts in 2009 after years of self-improvement, to attend Hallmark Institute of Photography. He graduated the real-world based, accelerated program a year later, but his journey to learn and explore the world continues to this day.

Tom’s love for hiking feeds his need for exploration. Hiking into the unknown with his camera and equipment to uncover beautiful scenery


Doro captures the art of life.
— Francesco Moschella


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